24 research outputs found

    Educational e-inclusion for students with severe motor difficulties

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    The purposes of educational e-inclusion are fairness, equality and quality in the educational processes and offering the benefits of ICTs to all students. The impossibility of using computers or accessing the Internet increases educational exclusion and segregation. In this paper, we present an experience carried out at a special education center. This experience involved users with severe motor disabilities, and its purpose was to design and develop a computer-access system that was usable and adapted to the user. This system has allowed adding activities to the educational curriculum based on new technologies

    Educational e-inclusion for students with severe motor difficulties

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    The purposes of educational e-inclusion are fairness, equality and quality in the educational processes and offering the benefits of ICTs to all students. The impossibility of using computers or accessing the Internet increases educational exclusion and segregation. In this paper, we present an experience carried out at a special education center. This experience involved users with severe motor disabilities, and its purpose was to design and develop a computer-access system that was usable and adapted to the user. This system has allowed adding activities to the educational curriculum based on new technologies

    Efecto del empleo de ĂĄrido siderĂșrgico en las propiedades de las mezclas bituminosas

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    En el conjunto de los estudios realizados en el departamento ITT de nuestra escuela, con el objetivo de trabajar tanto en la formulaciĂłn de mezclas asfĂĄlticas y nuevas tecnologĂ­as de pavimentaciĂłn que proporcionen elevadas prestaciones de seguridad y sostenibilidad de las carreteras en general. Esta tesina pretende llegar a conocer si las escorias siderĂșrgicas son aptas o no, en base al alto coeficiente de pulimento acelerado (CPA) que tiene este nuevo ĂĄrido, para formar parte de las mezclas bituminosas en las capas superficiales de la carretera. Los estudios realizados pretender observar la respuesta que tiene esta nueva mezcla bituminosa en aspectos como la estabilidad, deformaciones, resistencia, tracciĂłn indirecta, rigidez, etc

    A novel ensemble method for electric vehicle power consumption forecasting: Application to the Spanish system

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    The use of electric vehicle across the world has become one of the most challenging issues for environmental policies. The galloping climate change and the expected running out of fossil fuels turns the use of such non-polluting cars into a priority for most developed countries. However, such a use has led to major concerns to power companies, since they must adapt their generation to a new scenario, in which electric vehicles will dramatically modify the curve of generation. In this paper, a novel approach based on ensemble learning is proposed. In particular, ARIMA, GARCH and PSF algorithms' performances are used to forecast the electric vehicle power consumption in Spain. It is worth noting that the studied time series of consumption is non-stationary and adds difficulties to the forecasting process. Thus, an ensemble is proposed by dynamically weighting all algorithms over time. The proposal presented has been implemented for a real case, in particular, at the Spanish Control Centre for the Electric Vehicle. The performance of the approach is assessed by means of WAPE, showing robust and promising results for this research field.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad Proyectos ENE2016-77650-R, PCIN-2015-04 y TIN2017-88209-C2-R

    Understanding the discriminant factors that influence the adoption and use of clinical communities of practice : the ECOPIH case

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    The aim of the study presented in this article is to analyse the discriminant factors that have an influence on the use of communities of practice by primary and specialist healthcare professionals (physicians and nurses) for information sharing. Obtaining evidence from an ex-ante analysis to determine what factors explain healthcare professionals' clinical community of practice use allows aspects of its use to be identified. A theoretical model based on a modified technology acceptance model was used as the analysis tool, and a discriminant analysis was performed. An ad-hoc questionnaire was designed and sent to a study population of 357 professionals from the Badalona-Sant AdriĂ  de BesĂČs Primary Care Service in Catalonia, Spain, which includes nine primary care centres and three specialist care centres. The study sample was formed by the 166 healthcare professionals who responded. The results revealed three main drivers for engagement in a CoP: First, for the whole sample, perceived usefulness for reducing costs associated with clinical practice was the factor with the greatest discriminant power that distinguished between users and non-users, followed by perceived usefulness for improving clinical practice quality, and lastly habitual social media website and application use. Turning to the two sub-samples of healthcare professions (physicians and nurses, respectively), we saw that the usefulness stemming from community of practice use changed. There were differences in the levels of motivation of healthcare professionals with regards to their engagement with CoP. While perceived usefulness for reducing costs associated with clinical practice was the main factor for the physicians, perceived usefulness of the Web 2.0 platform use for communication for improving clinical practice quality and perceived ease of use were the main factors for the nurses. In the context of communities of practice, the perception of usefulness of Web 2.0 platform use for communication is determined by organisational, technological and social factors. Specifically, the position that professionals have within the healthcare structure and particularly the closer healthcare professionals' activity is to patients and their professional experience of using social networks and ICTs are crucial to explaining the use of such platforms. Public policies promoting Web 2.0 platform use for communication should therefore go beyond the purely technological dimension and consider other professional and social determinants

    Factors que influencien l'adopciĂł i l'Ășs de les comunitats virtuals de prĂ ctica clĂ­nica

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    L'any 2009 es va implementar a diferents centres mĂšdics de Badalona i Sant AdriĂ  de BesĂČs ECOPIH, una plataforma de comunicaciĂł online entre professionals d'AtenciĂł PrimĂ ria i AtenciĂł Especialitzada per tal d'establir un sistema de comunicaciĂł que permeti agilitzar i optimitzar l'atenciĂł que reben els pacients. Aquest estudi ha analitzat l'Ășs d'ECOPIH entre els cossos mĂšdic i d'infermeria. Els resultats mostren que la percepciĂł d'utilitat d'aquesta plataforma web 2.0 ve determinada per factors organitzacionals, tecnolĂČgics i socials.En el año 2009 se implementĂł en diferentes centros mĂ©dicos de Badalona y Sant AdriĂ  de BesĂČs ECOPIH, una plataforma de comunicaciĂłn online entre profesionales de AtenciĂłn Primaria y AtenciĂłn Especializada para establecer un sistema de comunicaciĂłn que permita agilizar y optimizar la atenciĂłn que reciben los pacientes. Este estudio ha analizado el uso de ECOPIH entre los cuerpos mĂ©dico y de enfermerĂ­a. Los resultados muestran que la percepciĂłn de utilidad de esta plataforma web 2.0 viene determinada por factores organizacionales, tecnolĂłgicos y sociales

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Projecte d’execució d’una EDAR per a un Polígon Industrial

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    El projecte executiu de l’EDAR que es presenta pertany al projecte d’urbanitzaciĂł del polĂ­gon d’activitats econĂČmiques d’Olvan. El Pla Parcial del polĂ­gon d’activitats econĂČmiques d’Olvan desenvolupa l’ordenaciĂł d’un sector de sĂČl urbanitzable programat d’Ășs industrial. Aquest projecte de depuraciĂł es deriva del Projecte d’urbanitzaciĂł del PolĂ­gon d’activitats econĂČmiques d’Olvan, el qual es troba situat al Terme Municipal d’Olvan. La xarxa de clavegueram Ă©s separativa i es troba definida al Projecte d’urbanitzaciĂł essent l’estaciĂł depuradora l’objecte d’aquest projecte. Queda definit al projecte d’urbanitzaciĂł que encara que es tracti d’un polĂ­gon industrial l’aigua abocada serĂ  assimilable a aigua residual urbana complint els lĂ­mits establerts al Reglament de Sistemes PĂșblics de Sanejament. L’Objecte del present projecte Ă©s la definiciĂł de les obres d’execuciĂł del sistema de sanejament del nou PolĂ­gon d’activitats econĂČmiques Roca-Rodona, aixĂ­ com dels polĂ­gons industrials ja existents de Can Llop i Cantallops, tots ells al terme municipal d’Olvan, a la comarca del BerguedĂ  (Girona). Les infraestructures que s’inclouen en el present projecte sĂłn: ‱ ConnexiĂł amb les canonades d’aigĂŒes residuals dels diferents PolĂ­gons. ‱ Col·lectors en alta de conducciĂł dels Afluents a l’EDAR. ‱ EstaciĂł depuradora d’aigĂŒes residuals (EDAR). ‱ Col·lector d’abocament dels efluents al medi. ‱ ConnexiĂł amb l’estaciĂł de bombament de reg del PolĂ­gon Rocarrodona. ‱ Accessos

    Efecto del empleo de ĂĄrido siderĂșrgico en las propiedades de las mezclas bituminosas

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    En el conjunto de los estudios realizados en el departamento ITT de nuestra escuela, con el objetivo de trabajar tanto en la formulaciĂłn de mezclas asfĂĄlticas y nuevas tecnologĂ­as de pavimentaciĂłn que proporcionen elevadas prestaciones de seguridad y sostenibilidad de las carreteras en general. Esta tesina pretende llegar a conocer si las escorias siderĂșrgicas son aptas o no, en base al alto coeficiente de pulimento acelerado (CPA) que tiene este nuevo ĂĄrido, para formar parte de las mezclas bituminosas en las capas superficiales de la carretera. Los estudios realizados pretender observar la respuesta que tiene esta nueva mezcla bituminosa en aspectos como la estabilidad, deformaciones, resistencia, tracciĂłn indirecta, rigidez, etc